
奥斯汀长城中文学校办学多年, 老师们资历深厚,很多学生从小在长城接受系统中文教育,师生共同努力,得以在中文AP顺利过关。以下学生是去年参加中文AP考试,并取得了很好的成绩,在此予以表扬,并会在春节联欢会上获得中文学校嘉奖。


李文蓉:从小生活在中英文双语环境,小学一年级开始上中文学校,九年级考过中文 AP 5分。喜欢中国文化和美食,喜爱去中国各地旅游。


刘祖琪(个人简历):美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁 Westwood 高中10年级学生,九年级考过中文 AP 。一直是奥斯丁长城中文学校学生,2019年9月开始在奥斯丁长城中文学校担任志愿者辅助中文教学。


袁祯,女高音歌唱家,声乐副教授(国内高校)。曾在(中国)声乐教科研项目和声乐比赛(包括CCTV青歌赛)中多次获奖,并活跃于声乐表演舞台。作为访问学者在UT Austin 音乐学院与声乐教授David Small 先生两年多的学习交流中,出色完成了多种语言和不同风格的声乐作品的独唱音乐会。除了声乐课程的进修,她还选修了合唱指挥课程等课程。

Donate to Austin Great Wall Chinese School via Amazon Smile

AGWCS Academic Dean Lanyu Liu recently created the amazon smile account. If you shop at amazon http://smile.amazon.com/ch/74-2718929, amazon will donate 0.5% to the school (ensure the supporting charity is AGWCS on the top of the screen). If you selected another charity in the past, you can change to AGWCS after you log into Amazon Smile. AGWCS board encourages any possible ways to contribute to the school. Donating through Amazon Smile might be the easiest approach for you. We appreciate that Ms. Liu took the intiative.

School Calendar

Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 (30 weeks)

July 28Registration starts.
August 201Fall semester starts.
August 272
September 33
September 104
September 175
September 246
October 17Teacher’s Appreciation Day
October 88
October 159Mid-term exam
October 2210
October 2911
November 512
November 1213
November 19No schoolThanksgiving
November 26No schoolThanksgiving
December 314
December 1015Final exam. Last week of fall semester.
January 211Spring semester starts.
January 282
February 4No class/Spring Festival PerformanceChinese New Year Celebration, no class.
February 114
February 185
February 256
March 37
March 10No schoolSpring Break, no school.
March 17No schoolSpring Break, no school.
March 248
March 319
April 710
April 1411
April 2112
April 2813
May 514
May 1215Final exam. Last week of spring semester.
*Please check with teachers for updates.

2019,2月24号,UT 音乐学院博士刘哲易提供音乐讲座

音乐讲座。时间:2/24/2019 下午2:15-3。地点:长城中文学校 601 e St. John’s eve. Austin(Webb middle school)大厅。讲座的内容将会是讲解关于:什么是sight singing ,Ear Training (视唱,练耳)和基础乐理知识,以及学习掌握这些知识技能会对孩子们的学习生活带来哪方面的改变。讲解人刘哲易是现在UT 音乐学院即将毕业的博士,主修音乐表演,讲座中还会包含现场的器乐表演,让大家能切实的听到,看到音乐。

奥斯汀本地公司 DealsList (www.dealslist.com) 和梁亮音乐工作室为庆祝长城中文学校成立二十周年而举行小型慈善音乐会

近期,奥斯汀本地公司 DealsList (www.dealslist.com) 和梁亮音乐工作室 (www.liangliangmusic.com/) 为庆祝长城中文学校成立二十周年而举行小型慈善音乐会,DealsList 并籍此捐献$150以资助长城中文学校的2015年春节游园会活动。在此,我们特别感谢 DealsList 和梁亮音乐工作室 的大力支持。
In Dec. 2014, a local company dealslist.com and Liang Liang Music Studio held a charity concert in honor of 20th anniversary of Austin Great Wall Chinese School. Dealslist donated $150 to sponsor 2015 AGWCS Chinese New Year Carnival. We appreciate the generous donation of DealsList and the kind support of Liang Liang Music Studio.


2014-2015学年度,国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corporation)捐助二千美金给我校,作为扶助我校技术设备等各项支出。根据国际商业机器公司的政策,该款项是为匹配我校本学年负责技术支持和网页管理的龚晓亮理事超过600个小时的志愿者时间,而授予长城中文学校。理事会将使用该资金购置教学辅助器材设备以方便教师,从而逐步提高教学质量。在此,我们对龚晓亮理事的无私奉献,和国际商业机器公司积极鼓励员工参与社区活动表示感谢。同时,欢迎各位家长个人给予捐赠的同时,注意公司的匹配政策。
In 2014-2015 school year, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) granted two thousand dollars to support Austin Great Wall Chinese School’s Technology Program. According to IBM’s policy, this grant is awarded in recognition of AGWCS board member, Leon Gong’s over 600 volunteer service hours. AGWCS Board will use this grant to purchase teaching equipment, and eventually improve the teaching quality. In the meantime, AGWCS Board would show our gratitude to the dedication of Leon Gong and IBM’s generous support to employee’s community involvement.


Mr. Yiqing Lai, the current 9th-grade teacher and former vice principle of AGWCS attended the 10th Chinese School Annual Conference & Chinese Education Symposium hosted by Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) in Dec. 2014. Teachers and administers of about forty Chinese schools obtained certificates in recognition of their excellent services to Chinese schools in the States. The following teachers and board members received awards. Mr. Zhiming Si, Ms. Xiaolei Shi received Outstanding Teaching Award, Mr. Yiqing Lai was offered Association Participation Award, and Mr. Shulei Zhao and Mr. Su Liu got Excellent Chinese School Administrator Award. CSAUS donated $200 to celebrate 20th anniversary of AGWCS.

王楚康同学在第13届华人少年作文比赛中获三等奖 (May 13, 2013)

祝贺我校九年级学生王楚康同学在中国国务院侨办和教育部等单位合办的第13届华人少年作文比赛中获三等奖, 他取得的成绩也离不开张大欣老师和家长的支持和鼓励。 长城中文学校有五名学生参加了这次比赛。

Congratulations to David Wang, a current 9th grade student at AGWCS, who recently won the 3rd prize in the 13th Student Essay Contest sponsored by The Oversea Chinese Affairs Office of The State Council and The Department of Education of The People’s Republic of China. Appreciations also go to David’s 8th grade teacher, Daxin Zhang, and David’s parents for their encouragement and support. Five students from AGWCS participated in the contest.

七位老师获AGWCS教师奖 7 Teachers Received AGWCS Teachers’ Service Award (August 26, 2012)

The School Board is pleased to announce that 7 teachers have received the AGWCS Teachers’ Service Award. This is the first time in the AGWCS history that the School Board gave awards to the qualified teachers for their long-term dedication and services to the school. The Teachers’ Service Award is intended to appreciate and encourage long-term commitment to the school by the teachers. Experienced and dedicated teachers bring quality education to our students. This year’s award recepients are the follows (alphabetically ordered):

Bo Beland (宋勃), Lei Chen (陈雷), Xiaoyun Liu (刘晓云), Zhiming Si (司志明), Yuehong Song (宋月红), Daxin Zhang (张大欣), and Zhiwen Zhang (张志文).

Congratulations to these teachers !

Guidelines for AGWCS Teachers’ Service Award

(1) The Teachers’ Service Award is intended to appreciate and encourage long-term commitment to the school by the teachers. In general, the award will be given to qualified teachers at the beginning of each school year.

(2) Qualifications for the award: An individual who has served as a teacher for 5 consecutive years and will continue the service in the coming school year; The teacher’s performance is satisfactory and conduct complying with the school’s policy. A teacher can receive the award again if he or she teaches at the school for another 5 consecutive years.

(3) Exceptions for the “5-consecutive-year service” term: (a) service on the school board will be considered the same as service as a teacher; (b) If a teacher takes a leave of absence due to maternity or other legitimate reasons, and return to teaching in the next school year, the previous years of service can be accumulated toward the 5 year requirement. The School Board has the sole authority to determine whether or not a leave of absence is “legitimate”.

(4) The award amount: $100. The School Board has the authority to change the amount of award or requirements for the award based on the school’s fiscal conditions or other considerations. The School Board has the authority to change it to non-cash award or suspend the award if necessary.

免费奥斯汀华人摄影讲座 “如何拍摄动态表演” (2012年1月22日星期天)

奥斯汀华人摄影讲座 “如何拍摄动态表演”

奥斯丁长城中文学校姐妹花获在首届中华文化知识竞赛中获奖 Sisters from AGWCS on TOP-SIX in WCC Contest


read more

奥斯汀长城中文学校多位学生获得世界华人学生作文大赛奖 AGWCS Students Won Awards from World Chinese Composition

奥斯汀长城中文学校多位学生获得世界华人学生作文大赛奖 AGWCS Students Won Awards from World Chinese Composition


学生名字 作文题目 班级 指导老师 获奖名次

陈凯娜 墨西哥海湾 写作班 沈中平 一等奖
卫汉娜 我的猫“迪娜” 写作班 沈中平 二等奖
陈东来 我爱我家 八年级一班 张大欣 二等奖
唐平 回中国的感受 写作班 沈中平 三等奖
银安祝 快乐的一天 四年级一班 罗俐 三等奖

奥斯汀长城中文学校学生的YCT考试成绩好 AGWCS students excelled at YCT exam

奥斯汀长城中文学校学生的YCT考试成绩好 AGWCS students excelled at YCT exam

We recently received results for the YCT exam held in May 2010. 23 students fromAGWCS took the exam and all passed. The following are the average score from AGWCS and overall average score from all schools administrated by the same exam center:

AGWCS average score:
YCT Level 1: 197.5/200
YCT Level 2: 189/200
YCT Level 3: 198.5/200
YCT Level 4: 292/300

Overall average score:
YCT Level 1: 181/200
YCT Level 2: 182/200
YCT Level 3: 191/200
YCT Level 4: 269/300

张大欣老师被授予“优秀海外华文教师” “Outstanding Overseas Chinese Teacher” Title Awarded to AGWCS Teacher (June 27, 2012)


Daxin Zhang, the 8th grade Chinese teacher of AGWCS, has recently been awarded as a “Outstanding Overseas Chinese Teacher” by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of The State Council of The People’s Republic of China. She has been an excellent teacher at AGWCS for more than 10 years and very well liked by students and parents. We appreciate her contributions to our school and congratulate her for her accomplishment.

旅游摄影讲座 (免费) : “如何去南美洲旅游”

旅游摄影讲座 (免费) : “如何去南美洲旅游”

  1. 安全不安全? 值得不值得?
  2. 风景如何? 价格如何?
  3. 现场展示第一手的资料, 直观的照片。

主讲人: 华人旅行家 沈中平 先生

日期: TBD

时间: TBD

地点: 奥斯汀长城中文学校130教室

抽奖: 二位来宾将获得沈先生签名的新书“环游世界”


“摄影作品的创作, 裁剪和美化” (免费)




由长城中文学校师生主编的奥斯汀中文新闻​网站建成了 Austin News in Chinese (August 24, 2012)





此外,欢迎各位多提宝贵意见。如果你或您的孩子也愿意参与到我们的编辑队伍中来,请与刘晓云老师(AP中文; xiaoliu8@yahoo.com)联系。对小编辑的要求只有两点:



Tuition and Refund 学费与退款

The tuition of most courses is for one year, except that the tuition of Dr. Shen’s Math classes and Ms. Yuan’s Singing classes are for one semester.

Course Type
Class Schedule
Regular Chinese
$3302:00-4:00 pm
Kindergarten ~ 10th Grade; Chinese AP
学前班 ~ 十年级、中文AP
Bilingual Chinese
$4004:00-6:00 pm
Children, Adults
Math Enhancement
$2304:00-5:00 pm
Math, Pre-Algebra 数学, 预备代数
Other Classes
$2004:00-5:00 pm
Art, Chinese Writing, Chess, Kung-fu, Tai-Ji (Tai-Chi), Badminton, Yoga and Chinese Dance 美术, 中文写作, 国际象棋, 武术, 太极, 羽毛球, 瑜伽, 中国舞蹈
DSM Academy
AMC, MathCount:$400; Others: $275 1:50-6:00 pm
Dr.Shen’s Mathematics Academy
  • Tuition does not include cost of textbook. *学费不含书费。

Registration 注册

You can register online by following the “Login & Registration” on the left panel or come to the school on the first day of classes. There is early registration discount ($5 for each student/class) if registered by August 5, 2019 and payment postmarked by August 12, 2019.
2019年秋季提前注册将于7月22日开始。为方便家长,在这学期8月25日和9月1日可在学校食堂交学费(必须打印好billing statement并且签好名字)。为了方便学校订购课本及顺利开课,学校接受网上注册。凡在8月5日以前在网上注册, 8月12日以前交费者享受优惠学费($5学生/课程)。

Tuition Payment 交学费

If you want to pay with PAYPAL, please go to Useful Tools & Links 常用链接 > Pay Now. Please do put you account ID #, name, and email address into the message to seller. Otherwise, the payment could not be linked to your account.
如果你想用 PAYPAL 付款, 请到 Useful Tools & Links 常用链接, 然后点击 Pay Now. 付款时, 切记包括你的帐户ID, 名字, 和 EMAIL. 否则, 付款不能进入你的帐户.

Please follow the instruction to register, print and mail the billing statement with your check payment (paybale to AGWCS) to the following address.
AGWCS P.O. BOX 180935 AUSTIN, TX 78718-0935

If you are unable to mail the payment at least 3 business days before the classes begin, bring the billing statement and your check payment to the school on the first day of classes.
学费付款支票需要付给AGWCS。请遵循网上说明,将填好的表格及支票寄至以上地址。若您在开学前三个工作日还未能寄出支票,请您在网上填写并打印出注册明细表格(Billing Statement),在开学之日到校缴费。

Tuition Refund Policy 有关学费退款的规定

You may cancel any classes by the end of the second school day and receive full refund. (except Go and Dr.Shen’s math class)
在学期的第二次课当天或之前, 退所缴学费全款。(不包括沈教授数学课)

You may cancel any class after the second school day but by the fifth
school day and receive 50% refund. (except Dr.Shen’s math class)
在学期的第二次课到第五次课期间, 退所缴学费50%款。 此后,恕不退款。(不包括围棋和沈教授数学课)

Text Book Refund Policy 有关退书的规定

No refund for purchased textbooks, CDs and teaching materials at any time. 购买的教科书或其它教学资料不予退款。

Late Payment Policy 有关补交学费的规定

The tuition must be paid in full by the second school day to avoid a late fee. After that, a late fee of 10% of the tuition fee will be applied. A student will not be allowed to attend classes unless the tuition has been paid in full by the 3rd school day. (except Dr.Shen’s math class)


New Registration Attention!

For online registration,
1) Accept the waiver statement below .
2) Click the “Sign up” to start the online registration.
3) Follow the instruction in email to complete the registration.

For offline registration,
1) Email your last name, first name, email address, the courses you want to enroll to board@agwcs.org.
2) Bring cash or check to the front desk on the first day of school starts. Our staff will assist you to complete your registration. Thanks!

In consideration of my child’s (or children’s) participation in Austin Great Wall Chinese School (AGWCS), I, acting as parent or legal guardian of said child (or children), hereby agree to release, discharge, waive and hold harmless to AGWCS, Webb Middle School, and their respective instructors, board members, volunteers for any incident, actions or conduct resulting in personal injury, accident, or illness to my child (or children) not limited to negligence, gross negligence and recklessness.
I have carefully read and voluntarily sign this waiver of liability and fully understand its contents and meaning as a full waiver of all claims, liability and indemnity against AGWCS, Webb Middle School, and their respective instructors, board members, volunteers.

I do not accept (不同意)

I accept and continue to login (同意并登录)
