Click to register.

Thank you for using the AGWCS Chinese Library! Now it is in beta test. If you meet any problem, please email to:
Please fill the registration form before submitting your first book borrowing request.
Note: Please “Sign in” by your google email before “Check out”.
If “Sign in” is invisible, please click the down arrow like below.
在Check out借书之前,请先用Google用户”Sign in”。
如果”Sign in”看不见,请点击下图的向下的箭头。
We won’t use any information for any commercial purpose. All saved data will be removed in the next fiscal school year.
Terms of service:
The service only supports the AGWCS Chinese courses. If you have any questions, please email to board[at]
AGWCS Academic Dean Lanyu Liu recently created the amazon smile account. If you shop at amazon, amazon will donate 0.5% to the school (ensure the supporting charity is AGWCS on the top of the screen). If you selected another charity in the past, you can change to AGWCS after you log into Amazon Smile. AGWCS board encourages any possible ways to contribute to the school. Donating through Amazon Smile might be the easiest approach for you. We appreciate that Ms. Liu took the intiative.
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Events
Date | Start time | End time | Event |
8/18/2024 | 15:00 | 17:00 | Chinese Book Fair 长城书市 |
9/1/2024 | 14:00 | 17:30 | Chinese Basketball Tournament 华人篮球联赛 |
9/8/2024 | 14:00 | 17:30 | Chinese Basketball Tournament 华人篮球联赛 |
9/15/2024 | 14:00 | 17:30 | Chinese Basketball Tournament 华人篮球联赛 |
9/22/2024 | 14:00 | 17:30 | Chinese Basketball Tournament 华人篮球联赛 |
9/29/2024 | 14:00 | 17:30 | Chinese Basketball Tournament 华人篮球联赛 |
9/8/2024 | 14:00 | 16:00 | Lectures on raising oneself and raising children 育己育儿讲座 |
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 (30 weeks) School Calendar
Date | Week | Note |
July 31 | Registration starts. | |
August 25 | 1 | Fall semester starts. |
September 01 | 2 | |
September 08 | 3 | |
September 15 | 4 | |
September 22 | 5 | |
September 29 | 6 | |
October 6 | 7 | Teacher’s Appreciation Day |
October 13 | 8 | |
October 20 | 9 | Mid-term exam |
October 27 | 10 | |
November 03 | 11 | |
November 10 | 12 | |
November 17 | 13 | |
November 24 | No school | Thanksgiving |
December 01 | No school | Thanksgiving |
December 08 | 14 | |
December 15 | 15 | Final exam. Last week of fall semester. |
January 12 | 1 | Spring semester starts. |
January 19 | 2 | |
January 26 | 3 No class/Spring Festival Celebration | Chinese New Year Celebration, no class. |
February 02 | 4 | |
February 09 | 5 | |
February 16 | 6 | |
February 23 | 7 | |
March 02 | 8 | |
March 09 | 9 | |
March 16 | No school | Spring Break, no school. |
March 23 | No school | Spring Break, no school. |
March 30 | 10 | |
April 06 | 11 | |
April 13 | 12 | |
April 20 | 13 | |
April 27 | 14 | |
May 04 | 15 | Final exam. Last week of spring semester. |
*Please check with teachers for updates. |
去PAYPAL付款 Pay with Paypal — Please add 3% convenient fee to the payment
常用工具 Useful Tools for Learning Chinese
康熙字典 KANGXI Dictionary
该给自己取个中文名字了吧!Get A Chinese Name
看图识字 Chinese Word <-> a Picture
中文宝(在线学中文)ChinesePod–Online Chinese
Purple Culture
友情链接 Useful Links
* Chinese Consulate in Houston
* Chinese Students and Scholars Association, University of Texas at Austin
* Chinese School Association in the United States
* April Rain School of Chinese Dance (春雨舞蹈学校)
* Austin Chinese Professional Society Corporation
* SAT II Chinese Test
* Dr.Shen’s Mathematics Academy
* Geolocation support provided by Texas A&M Universities GeoServices
网站管理 (Webmaster only)
Our Goals and Visions:
We offer a variety of STEM classes in AGWCS to help students grow, and our curriculum is continually evolving. Below is a list of current classes and potential new offerings, depending on available funding and resource.
At AGWCS, we’ve chosen Singapore Math as Core of Mathematic instruction and offer Math classes from Grade 1-6. Singapore Math is renowned for its focus on Problem-Solving and in-depth understanding. The CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) teaching method is a great way to make abstract mathematical concenpts more tangible. By encouraging students to use graphic models, it helps them to develop a much clearer grasp of the underlying principles and cultivate a deeper mathematical awareness.
2. Physics:
a) Physics I – This course focuses on principle of Physics mechanics, tailored for students who has already completed Algebra. No prior experience with Physics is necessary. By the end of this course, student will be well-prepared to tackle the AP Physics I test and participate in the ‘F=ma” contest, an integral part of the selection process for U.S Physics Olympic team.
b) Physics II – This course covers Physics 2 and includes topics such as Sound & Waves, Eletromagnetism, Fluids, Optics, Thermodynamics, and Modern Physics. It is designed for students who have completed Physics I – Mechanics. Upon completion of this course , students will be prepared to take the AP Physics II test.
c) Physcis C – This course is centered on Physics C – Mechanics and E&M (Electromagnetic). It is tailored for students who have successfully completed Calculus in math, as well as Physcis I & Physics II. Upon successfully completing this course, students will be well-prepared to take AP Physics C test.
d) “F=ma” Physics Competition – This course is designed to assist students who are interested to compete in “F=ma” competition in February. The prerequisite is to finish Physics I. For middle school and early high school students interested in physcis should start your F=ma training as early as possible.
We accept donations by Paypal, Zelle and check. Please leave a note “AGWCS donations” in your donation payment.
Paypal account :
Zelle account :
Or write a check to : AGWCS, PO Box 200964, Austin, TX 78720
Austin Great Wall Chinese School is participating in the Amazon Smile program. When customers shop at, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school.
Shop Amazon Smile, Support Our School!
诚聘教师 Teaching Opportunities
奥斯汀长城中文学校诚聘中文,新数,AP生物,AP化学,AP计算机语言,SAT和ACT考试培训,美术,羽毛球,武术,音乐教师。教学对象为K-10年级学生,时间为每周日下午。有意者请将简历发至 board[at],并请在主题栏标注XX教学职位。
If you are interested in teaching Chinese, math, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP CS, SAT, ACT, arts, badminton, Kung-fu, music, yoga, etc., send your resume to board[at]
志愿者 Volunteers
We welcome volunteers to join AGWCS to help promote Chinese language and culture. The volunteer opportunities include a variety of activities such as assisting school management, campus safety patrol, classroom or YCT exam assistants, teaching class, textbook delivering, or any expertise you have. Please contact with AGWCS board (board[at] if you are interested.
Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
教师守则 Teacher’s Guidelines (sign and return to the board)
4 Remember the student’s names as soon as possible
11 In case you need to resign from the position, please inform the School board at least two months in advance, so that schools have sufficient time to arrange a new teacher without suspending the class.
12 At the end of each school year (in May), the teacher should return projector to the school board. If the teacher is no longer teach for the next academic year, the textbooks and other teaching aids (such as White Board, Electric Sharpener, etc.) must be returned to the school as well.
13 The teachers should not let children of friends, neighbors, relatives and themselves to attend their class without registration.
学校行为准则 General Behavior Guidelines and Rules in School
By no means are the guidelines all inclusive. The AGWCS retains the right to alter or vary the application of these rules. These guidelines are intended to help parents, students, and board members work together. Many guiding statements are included in this document but by no means does it cover every situation. As new policies and regulations are developed by the school board, additions and/or deletions will be made to the guidelines. Every effort will be made by school board and teachers to help students and parents understand what is expected of them.
Parents have responsibility to educate their children to follow all guidelines and rules
General Behavior Guidelines and Rules for students
By no means are the guidelines all inclusive. The AGWCS retains the right to alter or vary the application of these rules. These guidelines are intended to help parents, students, and board members work together. Many guiding statements are included in this document but by no means does it cover every situation. As new policies and regulations are developed by the school board, additions and/or deletions will be made to the guidelines. Every effort will be made by school board and teachers to help students and parents understand what is expected of them.
Address of AGWCS Classrooms and Facility
Webb Middle School*
601 E St Johns Ave
Austin, TX 78752
*Note: Please note this is NOT AGWCS mailing address!
Map and Direction of AGWCS Classroom and Facilities
The tuition of most courses is for one year, except that the tuition of Dr. Shen’s Math classes and Ms. Yuan’s Singing classes are for one semester.
Course Type 课程类别 | Tuition* 学费* | Class Schedule 授课时间 | Note 备注 |
Regular Chinese 普通中文班 | $330 | 2:00-4:00 pm Sunday | Kindergarten ~ 10th Grade; Chinese AP 学前班 ~ 十年级、中文AP |
Bilingual Chinese 双语班 | $400 | 4:00-6:00 pm Sunday | Children, Adults 少年班,成人班 |
Math Enhancement 数学班 | $230 | 4:00-5:00 pm Sunday | Math, Pre-Algebra 数学, 预备代数 |
Other Classes 其他课程 | $200 | 4:00-5:00 pm Sunday | Art, Chinese Writing, Chess, Kung-fu, Tai-Ji (Tai-Chi), Badminton, Yoga and Chinese Dance 美术, 中文写作, 国际象棋, 武术, 太极, 羽毛球, 瑜伽, 中国舞蹈 |
DSM Academy 沈教授数学班 | AMC, MathCount:$400; Others: $275 | 1:50-6:00 pm Sunday | Dr.Shen’s Mathematics Academy |
Registration 注册
You can register online by following the “Login & Registration” on the left panel or come to the school on the first day of classes. There is early registration discount ($5 for each student/class) if registered by August 5, 2019 and payment postmarked by August 12, 2019.
2019年秋季提前注册将于7月22日开始。为方便家长,在这学期8月25日和9月1日可在学校食堂交学费(必须打印好billing statement并且签好名字)。为了方便学校订购课本及顺利开课,学校接受网上注册。凡在8月5日以前在网上注册, 8月12日以前交费者享受优惠学费($5学生/课程)。
Tuition Payment 交学费
If you want to pay with PAYPAL, please go to Useful Tools & Links 常用链接 > Pay Now. Please do put you account ID #, name, and email address into the message to seller. Otherwise, the payment could not be linked to your account.
如果你想用 PAYPAL 付款, 请到 Useful Tools & Links 常用链接, 然后点击 Pay Now. 付款时, 切记包括你的帐户ID, 名字, 和 EMAIL. 否则, 付款不能进入你的帐户.
Please follow the instruction to register, print and mail the billing statement with your check payment (paybale to AGWCS) to the following address.
P.O. BOX 180935
AUSTIN, TX 78718-0935
If you are unable to mail the payment at least 3 business days before the classes begin, bring the billing statement and your check payment to the school on the first day of classes.
学费付款支票需要付给AGWCS。请遵循网上说明,将填好的表格及支票寄至以上地址。若您在开学前三个工作日还未能寄出支票,请您在网上填写并打印出注册明细表格(Billing Statement),在开学之日到校缴费。
Trial Class 试课
Austin Great Wall Chinese School does not offer trial classes. All classes must be enrolled in and paid for before attendance.
Withdrawal and Refund 退课
If a student finds the class unsuitable after attending the first class, parents can request a withdrawal refund by email within five days of attending the first class. Please email board[at] The refund will be processed by deducting the cost of the first class attended, and the remaining amount will be refunded. If the withdrawal request is not made within this period, any remaining course fees will be refunded as Austin Great Wall Chinese School credit. This credit can be used within the current academic year, including Fall, Spring, and Summer semester. Fall semester credit can be used in the current semester, the following Spring semester, and the Summer semester; Spring semester credit can be used in the current semester and the Summer semester; Summer semester credit can only be used within the current semester.
若学生上完第一节课后认为课程不适合,可以在第一次课后的五天内通过邮件申请退课。请将邮件发送至 board[at]。退款将按比例扣除已经上过的一次课程费用,其余费用将退还。如果家长未在此期限内申请退课,无论原因如何,未上课程的费用将以长城学费余额(credit)的形式退还。余额可在当前学年内使用,包括秋季、春季和夏季学期。秋季学期的学费余额可在本学期、次年春季学期及夏季学期使用;春季学期的余额可在本学期及夏季学期使用;夏季学期的余额只能在本学期使用。
Tuition Adjustment for Late Enrollment 中途入学
Austin Great Wall Chinese School permits late enrollment except in special circumstances. If the student joins with less than 15% of classes missed, the full course fee is required. If more than 15% of classes are missed, the school will adjust the fee proportionally based on the actual number of missed classes.
Teacher Discount 教师折扣
All teachers and their immediate family members at Austin Great Wall Chinese School receive a 20% discount on tuition fees. This includes current teachers and those who have taught at the school for at least one semester.
For any questions or further information, please contact board[at]
如有任何问题或需进一步信息,请联系 board[at]。
You can register online by clicking “Login & Registration”. There is an early registration discount. Login to your account to see the early registration discount.
Please follow the instruction to register and submit payment. AGWCS prefers payments of Zelle.
No refund for used textbooks, CDs and teaching materials at any time.
Austin Great Wall Chinese School does not offer trial classes. All classes must be enrolled in and paid for before attendance.
If a student finds the class unsuitable after attending the first class, parents can request a withdrawal refund by email within five days of attending the first class. Please email board[at] The refund will be processed by deducting the cost of the first class attended, and the remaining amount will be refunded. If the withdrawal request is not made within this period, any remaining course fees will be refunded as Austin Great Wall Chinese School credit. This credit can be used within the current academic year, including Fall, Spring, and Summer semester. Fall semester credit can be used in the current semester, the following Spring semester, and the Summer semester; Spring semester credit can be used in the current semester and the Summer semester; Summer semester credit can only be used within the current semester.
若学生上完第一节课后认为课程不适合,可以在第一次课后的五天内通过邮件申请退课。请将邮件发送至 board[at]。退款将按比例扣除已经上过的一次课程费用,其余费用将退还。如果家长未在此期限内申请退课,无论原因如何,未上课程的费用将以长城学费余额(credit)的形式退还。余额可在当前学年内使用,包括秋季、春季和夏季学期。秋季学期的学费余额可在本学期、次年春季学期及夏季学期使用;春季学期的余额可在本学期及夏季学期使用;夏季学期的余额只能在本学期使用。
Austin Great Wall Chinese School permits late enrollment except in special circumstances. If the student joins with less than 15% of classes missed, the full course fee is required. If more than 15% of classes are missed, the school will adjust the fee proportionally based on the actual number of missed classes.
All teachers and their immediate family members at Austin Great Wall Chinese School receive a 20% discount on tuition fees. This includes current teachers and those who have taught at the school for at least one semester.
For any questions or further information, please contact board[at]
如有任何问题或需进一步信息,请联系 board[at]。
New Registration Attention!
For online registration,
1) Accept the waiver statement below .
2) Click the “Sign up” to start the online registration.
3) Follow the instruction in email to complete the registration.
For offline registration,
1) Email your last name, first name, email address, the courses you want to enroll to board[at]
2) Bring cash or check to the front desk on the first day of school starts. Our staff will assist you to complete your registration. Thanks!
In consideration of my child’s (or children’s) participation in Austin Great Wall Chinese School (AGWCS), I, acting as parent or legal guardian of said child (or children), hereby agree to release, discharge, waive and hold harmless to AGWCS, Webb Middle School, and their respective instructors, board members, volunteers for any incident, actions or conduct resulting in personal injury, accident, or illness to my child (or children) not limited to negligence, gross negligence and recklessness.
I have carefully read and voluntarily sign this waiver of liability and fully understand its contents and meaning as a full waiver of all claims, liability and indemnity against AGWCS, Webb Middle School, and their respective instructors, board members, volunteers.
I accept and continue to login (同意并登录)