奥斯汀长城中文学校学生的YCT考试成绩好 AGWCS students excelled at YCT exam

奥斯汀长城中文学校学生的YCT考试成绩好 AGWCS students excelled at YCT exam

We recently received results for the YCT exam held in May 2010. 23 students fromAGWCS took the exam and all passed. The following are the average score from AGWCS and overall average score from all schools administrated by the same exam center:

AGWCS average score:
YCT Level 1: 197.5/200
YCT Level 2: 189/200
YCT Level 3: 198.5/200
YCT Level 4: 292/300

Overall average score:
YCT Level 1: 181/200
YCT Level 2: 182/200
YCT Level 3: 191/200
YCT Level 4: 269/300